Update, Christmas Eve & Traditions
Hey guys, we got back from England yesterday and I had so much fun shopping all the time. I went a bit mental and kept buying more and more presents. I also got myself some bits with my Christmas money, the shops in England are so much better than over here! It's nice being back though, despite the fact that it's not snowing! It was sunny today! I hate it, Christmas for me has to have snow, it just doesn't feel right without it. Also my sister is home! Yay! We went for a last minute food shop today, to pick up some necessary bits and bobs, then had a coffee, and the went home, wrapped some presents, put them all around the tree, then went to the Christmas Market to have some Glühwein and I bought yet another cup! I spotted a different coloured one to the ones I had and just had to get it. So now I have four! Then we went home and my boyfriend got me a surprise present, a really cute new mouse because my other one has a really long cable, which is sort of pointless.
Anyway, we had a nice christmassy day, and no wonder since it's Christmas Eve! So excited! I really can't wait for everyone to open my presents, hope they all like them haha. Like I said, I went a bit mental buying stuff. It's the first Christmas where I've had enough money for more than one present each.Now for a bunch of random pictures. Enjoy!
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new mouse |
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Pastéis de Belém |
So this post is an update of sorts, because I haven't blogged in ages, on account of being on holiday and spending time with my family, shopping, etc. But I also felt like sharing our Christmas Traditions, because I know everyone celebrates differently, especially aroung here.
A lot of people in Luxembourg celebrate on the 24th, and they open their presents at midnight, or in the evening. My grandparents on my dad's side do this too, because my grandmother is from Austria (my grandfather is from India, and my mum's parents are both English). So what we do is, on Christmas Eve, after going up the road to church to watch the live nativity play (we don't do this every year though. Only when we remember. None of us are really religious, it's just nice to see) and after dinner which is usually a curry or an Austrian dish called Lungenbraten (tastes nicer than it sounds), we open one present each, usually from family friends. Then we all sit around together, watch some Christmas movies (usually Love Actually) and then we read The Night Before Christmas. This sounds like we're all children, but it's what we've been doing ever since we were little, and it's a lovely tradition. We'd leave a carrot for Rudolph, a mince pie and some milk out for Father Christmas, then we would work out a time to wake up and we'd go to bed, with our stockings outside our doors (because Father Christmas would never want to wake us up, by actually coming in our rooms) and when we were children it was so magical and exciting, and it still is, even though we know our parents' little tricks, like putting satsumas in and little reindeer shaped chocolates. When we'd wake up, we'd all go downstairs in our jimjams and open the presents that are in our stockings. We'd then get ready, dress up a bit, and then have a huge feast, turky, stuffing, roast potatoes, pigs in blankets, the lot! We'd be so stuffed, and then we'd watch more christmassy TV and open more presents. And that pretty much sums up what we do for Christmas.
I think it's kind of the English way of celebrating, but if anyone else does it like this, let me know!
Tell me your Christmas/whatever you celebrate traditions :)
19 December 2011
A Little Make-Up Haul
This will have to be a haul, not a review type post, because I didn't have much time this morning as we had to get a bus to Canterbury, so I just took a few snaps, without swatching or taking eye photos. I suppose I couldn't really do much of a review anyway, as it's all new, but once I've been trying these products for quite some time I'll review them. Like I said, I went a bit crazy and although I didn't get loads of stuff, it was quite pricey (meh). But I really do need more make-up, because my stuff is all out of date or has run out. So with the help of my sister, Dani (my other sister, Naty ( has a lot of experience with make-up too, but she wasn't there unfortunately.) we picked some stuff up in Debenhams that would work for me. We also went to a Benefit store, and they did my eye make-up, and gave me some advice. I stupidly almost bought the Big Beautiful Eyes Mini Kit, when Dani stopped me by pointing out that I'd just bought the Naked Palette (doh). I just can't say no. I also got some Soap and Glory bits, and I'll do a body/hair care post soon, too!
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I love the Benefit bag, it's so cute! |
On to the products!
1) Naked Palette by Urban Decay
I'm sure everyone knows about this Palette, unless they've been living under a rock. Which I had. I only heard of it when my sister came home with it one day, earlier this year. Then I started seeing it all over blogs and youtube. And I thought it was so nice, but for that much money? Hm. Also, I didn't really use make-up that much, apart from eyeliner and mascara, until a few months ago. So when I was in Sephora, I decided to buy it, after much pointless debating with the boy and the bro (useless really, because to them it's just "coloured dirt for your eyes and not worth 40€). But I got it and I'm glad, because the "coloured dirt" is so nice! It feels like silk on my eyes (I don't know what I mean either. It's just so soft!). I haven't tried all of them yet, but so far my favourites are Smog, Buck and Toasted.
1) Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Zero
I really needed a new eye liner and my sister insisted on getting my a special Christmas present and said to choose something from Mac. We couldn't find it in the shop in the end, so we looked around and found the Urban Decay counter. I'd heard a lot about the eye pencils and they always looked so nice and creamy, sort of. So I picked on and she got it for me and let me have it early! So thanks Dani! It's so nice and easy to use, so so far it gets a thumbs up from me! I can't remember how much it cost, but I'll ask Dani tomorrow.
1) Benefit Brows A-Go-Go Brow And Eye Shaping Kit
This is what the Benefit shop assistant (is that what they're called? I really don't know) put on my brows. I don't actually have a clue what to do with eyebrows, so it was good to have a quick lesson! It has two eyeshadows, a tinted wax to keep the brows in place, an eye pencil, a brush to apply the wax and the shadows, a highlight, a bottom waterline colour to lighten your eyes and tweezers! I think it was £26,50, which is perhaps a bit too expensive for me, but you do get a lot of stuff so maybe it's ok. I'll admit, my eyebrows do look a lot better, because there isn't much of them, despite the fact that I don't pluck them often
1) Benefit They're Real Mascara
I'd actually just bought my favourite Maybelline The Colossal Volum' Express, which was £7, something from Boots, when we went to the Benefit store. Dani had mentioned Benefit's They're Real Mascara and how she absolutely loved it, so while I was being made over, she asked about it and the woman went and got it and put it on my lashes and it really did make a huge difference! So I decided to try it out, and bought it and I think it was £18,50 (not sure anymore), which is expensive for a mascara but it really is good. Although! I did find it clumpy on the first few tries, and I asked Dani and she said that she'd thought that too but after a couple of uses, it works fine. So after washing off the days make-up tonight, I put it on again (what a waste, right?) and it was clumpless! So that was three tries, and now it's great. It's quite small though, which is why I'm not too keen on the price. But oh well, we'll see.
1) Soap and Glory Sexy Mother Pucker in Candy Gloss ( I think)
Lastly, while in Boots, Dani and I spotted this huge Soap and Glory travel wash bag thing, which looked more like a case. Almost immediately, a shop assistant started telling us that these were the last three in the shop (although we'd spotted a bunch in the window, but maybe they'd been reserved or something) and that it was worth £80 but only cost £25 so it was a really great deal. I've never really tried Soap and Glory but I've heard it's great from my sister and her friends, so we decided to get it and split it between us. There are ten items in it, so we got five each for £12,50 really, which is good! I can't quite remember everything that was in it, because my sister has most of the stuff with her, but like I said, I'll do a post at one point. We actually decided to give some bits to people as Christmas presents, so we got 2-3 bits for ourselves. But it's still a good idea, and all the products smell so lovely! I got some face wipes, a body lotion, a body butter aaaand this lipgloss! I really wanted a new lipgloss, and this one is such a nice neutral colour, so it doesn't really lighten my lips and make me look weird, but gives them a really nice shine. It's supposed to plump the lips I think, because it stung quite a bit, which is a bad point of course. I don't know if it's supposed to sting a lot or if I'm allergic to something in it, but it wasn't really comfortable which is such a shame really because the colour is gorgeous.
And that concludes my first make-up haul! What are you loving at the moment? Have you tried any of these products, or do you have any suggestions for me? I'd love to know!
18 December 2011
Weekend In London
Hey guys, I'm currently in England (YAY), watching Michael Bublé on TV like many others, and I've just got back from a quick trip to London, with my boyfriend, my sister and her fiancé. It's was so much fun and very Starbucks-filled. I adore the Gingerbread Latte and my boyfriend actually tried something different to a boring hot chocolate. He had and liked the Mocha Praline (if that's what it's called) so that's a step up! We met up on Saturday morning at Victoria Station and spent the whole day in and out of shops on Oxford Street, Carnaby Street and Regent Street, then went to Wagamama for dinner and then to Hyde Park's Winterwonderland, which was right near our hotel, The Cumberland near Marble Arch (so nice). Then we got the bus to Canterbury to meet up with my mum for her birthday lunch. So basically, a really nice weekend, even though my feet hurt like hell! I spent so much money, I literally couldn't contain myself, there was so much stuff! Don't worry though, most of my money was spent on other peoples Christmas presents or spent with money I got from my parents as an early Christmas present. I did get quite a bit of make-up, considering I don't usually spend too much on it. I'll try and do that post now and if not I'll do it tomorrow, because I am so tired! For now, and consider this a warning, there will just be many, many pictures.
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Christmas trees in Selfridges |
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Disney Store |
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two Minnies :) |
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amazing street performer |
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The boy and I :) |
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Carnaby Street |
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Regent Street Lights :) |
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Makeover at Benefit Store & also tried out a curling iron in Debenhams |
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The Cumberland Hotel Loby ( = amazing) |
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the boy (enjoying his bday/xmas treat) |
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more Disney Store |
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my sister Dani ( and I (this photo is a lie, she's actually taller than me) |
14 December 2011
Sapphire Blue With A Touch Of Fur
Hey lovely readers! This FOTD isn't actually today's, it's last week's but I felt FOLWOW (face of last week on wednesday) didn't sound quite right, so I kept it simple. The reason I didn't actually put it up then is simply because I'm too lazy. I was also busy, but really I could have spared a few minutes of my life to just do the post. So yeah, I was being lazy.
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I felt like doing something different, and I rediscovered this really nice, dark blue eye shadow that I got absolutely ages ago (which in my mind means perhaps 2 years ago), and I still love it. The colour is just so vibrant and actually looks the way it does on the skin. For some reason, I felt the fur collar/scarf thing from H&M went well with the blue, which admittedly sounds mentaaal. So this is last Wednesdays look:
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I really do wonder why my boyfriend wants to kiss such a posey face hah |
Moving on!
1) Catwalk Colour Cosmetics Eyeshadow Palette
My trusty Catwalk Palette! I used the bottom middle colour, which is two shades above that dark brown I usually use. So basically this look was just completely different from previous ones I've done. It's a nice, shimmery, skin toned brown, I say skin toned because you couldn't really see it on my eyelid. But that's the look I was going for, I wanted the top sort of natural (why not just leave it bare?) and the bottom to be special.
2) Studio Secrets Professional Brown Eyes Intensifier
The lovely blue colour! I love it, but I have really only ever used it on my lower lash line. Not sure why, because it'd probably look nice on the top too, but oh well. It's very vibrant, like I mentioned and just so pretty! So I used a cotton bud (because I don't own many brushes, apart from one I borrowed-without-asking from my sister, and a double ended blush/eyeshadow brush from Sephora and a concealor/foundation brush from primark, which I don't use, because I don't use foundation. It's not that I don't like using brushes, I just never bought any) and lined the bottom of my eyelid, over a tiny bit of black kohl eyeliner.
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1) & 2) |
And the rest:
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random bog standard black kohl eyeliner from no idea where (sorry) |
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Collection 2000 Super Size Fat Lash Mascara |
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Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer in Light 2 |
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Lacura Beauty Blusher from Aldi (LOL) it's really nice though, despite being cheap. Will probably get another one. |
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Collection 2000 Lock N Hold Lipgloss in Beat Box 2 |
I went to that new Sephora yesterday and let me just say one thing: Do not go there with your brother or your boyfriend, in my case both, because I was in there for what seemed like days. It was probably 15 minutes. Luckily, as we'd spent ages in Saturn, a technology, games, tv shop, they were patient (and were busy trying all the perfumes lol). Anyway, while picking out some more presents (just can't stop buying things, but it's for others so it's ok haha), I spotted Urban Decay's Naked Palette. Not just spotted it actually, I also managed to somehow buy it. Yup. I spent 40€ on make up. Not sure if my boyfriend and my brother were a tad bit disgusted, but my reasoning was having spent so much on everyone else, I could at least treat myself. And I'm glad I did! I FINALLY HAVE SOME MATTE EYESHADOWS! YAAAY! Will probably do a FOTD very soon using the eyeshadows.
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